March 7, 2016 (Pittcon 2016 Atlanta, GA) -- JEOL will demonstrate its high resolution analytical Scanning Electron Microscope in Booth #2857 during the week of Pittcon 2016. The JSM-IT300LV Scanning Electron Microscope is a versatile research grade SEM for high throughput imaging and microanalysis. A highly-customizable SEM, the JSM-IT300LV features smart analytical port geometry for multiple configurations allowing simultaneous analysis techniques. It can be outfitted for 10 or more analytical attachments including: energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), cathodoluminescence detectors (CL), wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometer (WDS), chamberscopes, and heating/cooling sub-stages.
The JSM-IT300LV is designed for a multitude of samples types with a wide range of accelerating voltages from 300v-30kV, a vacuum pressure range of 10-650 Pa, and magnification range of 5-300,000X. The sample chamber accommodates large samples up to 300mm in diameter and 80mm in height without alteration. The unique in-chamber stage ensures accurate sample position even for non-uniform shapes and sizes. The mechanically eucentric 5-axis motorized stage with fast asynchronous movement allows imaging and analysis at a wide range of angles and orientations with pinpoint accuracy.
JEOL SEM software makes operation intuitive and fast across the full spectrum of analytical applications. The IT300LV is part of JEOL's InTouchScope line, with interface via a multi-touch screen as well as traditional keyboard/mouse.