LABNANO - Brazilian Center for Physics Research

The Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) , Rio de Janeiro, is part of Brazil`s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). CBPF's main role is promoting scientific research, education, training and improvement of scientific staff. Research topics include, but are not limited to, Theoretical Physics, Experimental Physics, Applied Physics and Cosmology . CBPF was founded on 1949 and, since then has been the home of several important Brazilian physicists such as José Leite Lopes, César Lattes, and Jayme Tiomno.
CBPF was created during an exciting period of nuclear physics which had become trendy and demanded a lot of attention from the public in general. The Brazilian physicist César Lattes participated in the discovery of Meson Pi, a particle heavier than the electron predicted by Hideki Yukawa.
In 1961 the Graduate CBPF School was established, the first in Physics in Brazil. Courses began in May 1962. After more than 50 years and hundreds of Masters and Doctors alumni later, most of them are now scattered throughout Brazil and several countries of the world, helping to create new groups and leading scientists elsewhere. CBPF has the recognition of a Federal Government agency (CAPES), which granted them the highest distinction.
Several new areas of research have been introduced in Brazil by its researchers from all four units of MCTI and originated in CBPF, namely: National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) and the Institute of Cosmology, Relativity and Astrophysics (ICRA - Brazil) . The latter is incorporated into the Institute CBPF through the Group of Cosmology and Gravitation.
At CBPF the multi-user lab, LABNANO, is a strategic laboratory specializing in nanoscience and nanotechnology within the Brazilian Initiative in Nanotechnology (EBNano). The Laboratory is part of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory System (SISNANO). Beyond nanocharacterization, LABNANO offers its users micro and nanofabrication capabilities.
LabNano supports the scientific community with a JEOL JEM-2100F Field Emission TEM, a new JSM-7100F Field Emission SEM (soon to be installed), and a JSM-6460LV tungsten SEM.
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