Materials Science Applications

The development and subsequent application of new materials depends on a fundamental understanding of their structure and properties, and the bonding between atoms. JEOL SEMs, TEMs, Microprobes, and Auger microscopes, as well as cross sectional specimen preparation devices, mass spectrometer and NMR spectrometers are all used in the characterization of materials. Microstructural information and surface/bulk chemical analyses are readily obtained from these instruments with absolutely state-of-the-art results. Hard, soft, magnetic, frozen, and composite materials can easily be examined. Experiments involving variations in specimen temperature and ambient gas pressure, specimen straining, and changes in electrical bias or magnetic field can all be accomplished with special optional stages and feedthroughs. Solid-state NMR techniques can be used to characterize microscopic chemical structures.

Atomic Resolution Microscopy
JEOL instrumentation is unmatched for atomic-resolution imaging and spectroscopic analysis, ideal for researchers pushing materials to new frontiers.
Since its introduction, the JEOL ARM series with spherical aberration correction has become the leading advanced analytical microscope for materials science applications. The newly-released NEOARM, built on the tried-and-true ARM platform, combines a next-generation ASCOR Cs corrector with a cold FEG electron source and a highly-stable specimen stage and column. This combination yields unparalleled results in atomic-resolution imaging, and X-ray and EEL spectroscopies, across the entire range of operating voltages, 30 – 200 kV.
The JEM-F200 "F2" is a multi-purpose, analytical workhorse instrument with features not found in any other non-Cs corrected instrument. Owing to the cold FEG source in combination with dual, large-area silicon-drift EDS detectors, this 200 kV S/TEM delivers results unprecedented for an uncorrected microscope, including imaging, chemical mapping, and EEL spectroscopy at the atomic scale. The 'F2' employs the newest in JEOL innovations and auto-functions, yielding an easy-to-use, extremely stable, and high-throughput analytical 200 kV S/TEM.
The JEM-ARM300F “GRAND ARM” exceeds atomic resolution boundaries for any commercially-available TEMs today.
JEOL TEMs and SEMs have long been used to benefit advanced research as well as failure analysis. In the 1980s, a JEOL high resolution TEM validated the structure of C60 and helped lead to early discoveries in carbon nanotubes. Nobel prize winners, recipients of major research grants, and world-renowned scientists have used JEOL instruments in their advanced research.
JEOL TEMs and SEMs have long been used to benefit advanced research as well as failure analysis. In the 1980s, a JEOL high resolution TEM validated the structure of C60 and helped lead to early discoveries in carbon nanotubes. Nobel prize winners, recipients of major research grants, and world-renowned scientists have used JEOL instruments in their advanced research.
Versatile SEM/FIB tools, like the JEOL MultiBeam, allow simultaneous viewing, analysis, and micro milling functions, and serial slicing and sampling (S3) for monitoring, slicing, fabrication and reconstruction of specimens in 3D.
JEOL’s expertise in e-beam lithography expands the capability of the Field Emission SEM to allow for direct write patterning and gas-assisted e-beam lithography. In the 1960s, direct write e-beam was used for writing IC circuits on small wafers for a dedicated application. Now it is used in a myriad of applications from photonics and DNA filters to nano-fluidics, nano-gap patterns, and single electron transistors.
Pristine cross sections of all types of materials are easily prepared with JEOL ion beam tools. Hard, soft, magnetic, frozen, and composite materials are routinely cross sectioned with distortion-free results using the JEOL argon beam Cross Section Polisher or JEOL Multibeam SEM-FIB. Experiments involving variations in specimen temperature and ambient gas pressure, specimen straining, and changes in electrical bias or magnetic field can all be accomplished with special optional stages and feedthroughs.

Development of new materials can drive the creation of new products and industries, or answer the need for better performance, longevity of products, and a new generation of styles and designs.

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