REALab Customer Stories

A spotlight on researcher's work using JEOL electron microscopy or JEOL analytical instruments, and how their scientific advances are impacting their field.
Expertise in EM – Virus imaging at University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Biologic ImagingLake Superior State University Microanalysis and Spectroscopic Characterization LabSEM, Cannabis, Sponges, Environmental, Ecology

REALab spotlight on LSSU investigating heavy metals in cannabis, fresh water sponges, microplastics, and more.

Expertise in EM – Virus imaging at University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Biologic ImagingExpertise in EM – Virus imaging at University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Biologic ImagingSEM

With cold and flu season upon us, we wanted to spotlight how researchers use electron microscopy to learn more about viruses.

In situ TEM Pioneer Khalid Hattar, Sandia National LabsSeeing is Believing – In situ TEM Pioneer Khalid Hattar, Sandia National LabsTEM

Materials scientists are known for pushing the limits of research, but Khalid Hattar is a pioneer in his field.

Dr. Steve Morton (left) and Andrew Shuler (right) with the IT200 at NOAA.Steward and Oceanographer Dr. Steve Morton of NOAAOceanography, Botany, Marine Biology, SEM

Oceanographer Steve Morton at NOAA uses JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope to research harmful algae blooms (HAB) and oil pollution with input from Citizen Science and SEATOR from South Carolina lab.

Andrea Brothers, Microscopy Core & Instrument Coordinator, American UniversityPNNL scientists pioneer AI and atomic resolution microscopy of energy productsEnergy, Quantum Computing, Nuclear, Materials Science

Research at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is forging new frontiers in learning how materials behave at the atomic scale. This knowledge is impacting the very future of energy, from the nuclear fuel cycle to quantum computing and the performance of electronics employed in spacecraft.

Andrea Brothers, Microscopy Core & Instrument Coordinator, American UniversityImparting a Lifetime of Microscopy Experience – American University’s Andrea BrothersBiology, Materials Science, SEM, Academia

Lucky are the students who learn Transmission Electron Microscopy from an instructor whose experience spans the oldest to the newest technology, with a solid background in both materials and biological research.

Dr. Scott Payne at the JEM-2100NDSU Provides TEM Training for the Workforce of TomorrowTeaching, Materials Characterization, Education, Materials Science, TEM, Academia

TEM training experience is becoming essential to the workforce of tomorrow, and there is no better platform than the tried-and-true LaB6 TEM geared towards traditional materials science R&D.

Sheri Neva,  EAG Laboratories - Eurofins Material ScienceEAG Laboratories - Eurofins Material ScienceFailure Analysis, Service Lab, SEM, Industry

When science and art come together through the details of scanning electron microscopy, the journey is one of intriguingly beautiful discoveries. Expert microscopists like Sheri Neva intuitively know how to achieve the best image possible on small industrial samples like stainless steel.

Dr. Tricia Meredith, Director of Research for Florida Atlantic University’s on-site lab school, A.D. Henderson University School and FAU High School.Florida Atlantic University / High School Owls Imaging LabEducation, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

Children as young as kindergartners are introduced to the NeoScope tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope on their Boca Raton, Florida campus.

Collaboration on Solid State Lithium Ion Battery DevelopmentAdvances in TEM Research at University of Pennsylvania Singh Center of NanotechnologyCatalysts, Battery Research, Materials Science, TEM, Academia

Industry collaborators and fellow researchers recently published an important new paper concerning how solid electrolyte materials operate and fail in potential future advanced batteries for transportation applications.

Northwestern University Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization (NUANCE) CenterAtomic and Nanoscale Characterization, Materials Characterization, FESEM, Academia

One of five NUANCE facilities, the Electron Probe Instrumentation Center (EPIC) houses one of the most complete arsenals of state-of-the-art electron microscopes in the world, and now also serves as a Center of Excellence for JEOL.

Hello, Nano - Leading Nanotechnology Researcher Creates Multimedia iBookNanoparticle Analysis, Materials Science, TEM, Academia

"Hello, Nano" was launched on Apple iTunes and is now available as an iBook for the iPad. It will be available for the Kindle and other tablet devices in the future.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Installs New Field Emission SEMNanoengineering, Semiconductor, FESEM, Academia

From the Oakley Observatory to the MiNDS lab in the Physics and Optical Engineering Department, there was a great deal of excitement at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year.

Lichen Labs: Symbiotic Partnerships for Scientific SolutionsBiomimicry, Materials Characterization, SEM, Industry

Lichen Labs helps industry, architects, and students explore how nature can guide us to innovative new materials, processes, structures and textures to solve human challenges on all scales.

Hampton University - Adapting NMR for the Modern Classroom Laboratory ClassOrganic Chemistry, NMR, Academia

Godson C. Nwokogu, a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Hampton University, discusses the changing environment of the laboratory classroom.

Center for Analysis of Biomedical Phenomena of the State University of Amazonas (CMABio)Cell Biology, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

Since 2013, the Amazonas State University (UEA), in partnership with researchers from the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics located at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), has been engaged in scientific and technological development initiatives in the Amazon, and a significant stage was the inauguration of the CMABio on October 14, 2019.

University of Massachusetts LowellTeaching, Chemistry, NMR, Academia

With over 13 years spent working in industry, 11 in a large pharmaceutical company, it is safe to say that University of Massachusetts Lowell’s NMR Spectroscopy Facility Manager Wendy Gavin knows the secret to successful nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

Eastern Michigan University - Revealing Ancient Secrets with Mass SpectrometryChemistry, DART, MassSpec, Academia

For some chemists, the science is their first love and the lab is where all their work takes place. For Professor Ruth Ann Armitage at Eastern Michigan University, the application of chemistry to the field of archeology has led her outside the lab to work with museum curators and archeologists.

Apollo 17 Lunar Soil Sample Still Surprises After 50 YearsPlanetary Geology, Geoscience, FESEM, Academia

University of Houston student discovers unexpected mineral.

Microtrace LLCAnalytical Services, Forensics, Forensic Lab, FESEM, Industry

Given the high-profile forensics cases handled by Microtrace, the company’s father-son team of Skip and Chris Palenik have achieved a kind of celebrity status. But more than accolades, they relish the challenges sent their way and the opportunity to summon their vast expertise to let science determine the answers to the questions posed.

University of Houston - NMR SpectrometryOrganic Chemistry, NMR, Academia

University of Houston NMR facility manager discusses the merits of JEOL’s NMR platform, technology and software. From undergraduate teaching to research into the structure and dynamics of complex systems in chemistry, material science, and medicine – a look at NMR spectrometry at University of Houston.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Electron Microscopist Supports Medical and Genetic ResearchPathology, Medical Research, Medical Center, Hospital, TEM, Industry

As a certified Electron Microscopy Specialist at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Lita Duraine enjoys a unique perspective by helping investigators in the field of medical and biological discoveries.

Geoscience Studies at LSU - The Pet Rock Project and Course-Embedded ResearchEducation, GeoScience, EPMA, Academia

Undergraduates in the geoscience program are immersed early on in geological research with hands-on experience using the EPMA, which stands for Electron Probe Analyzer, often more commonly just called a microprobe.

The Haverford School – pre-K - 12 Boy’s SchoolMaterials Science, Materials Characterization, SEM, Academia

A Scanning Electron Microscope image of a butterfly wing turned out to be a win-win for a high school student who, in the span of one week was recognized by both the Materials Research Society (MRS) and JEOL USA.

Michigan State University - Research Reveals Impact of Cholesterol in Heart AttacksCardiology, Medical Center, Hospital, SEM, Academia

At Michigan State University’s Department of Medicine, Chief Cardiologist Dr. George Abela has made life-changing discoveries in understanding the role of cholesterol crystals in heart attacks.

Lehigh University - Masashi WatanabeMaterials Science, Materials Characterization, TEM, Academia

When a single atom can make or break the successful development of new materials, it's the sensitivity of the microscope used that makes all the difference to researchers in materials science.

Children's Hospital ColoradoMedical Center, Hospital, TEM, Industry

The electron microscopy lab is a high volume facility dedicated to delivering an exceptional product with extraordinary speed (normally within 24 hours of specimen receipt).

Universidad de la República - Uruguay - Veterinary ResearchVeterinary Studies, Medical Center, Hospital, SEM, Academia

Since 2000, scientists from the Universidad de la República in Uruguay have been revealing remarkable details about anatomy that has had an impact on research and veterinary medicine worldwide, with numerous publications to their credit.

Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"Mining, Geoscience, EPMA, Academia

The EPMA laboratory at UNESP, Rio Claro campus is a multi-user facility supported by the State of Sao Paulo Foundation FAPESP. The goal of the lab is to support the mining industry and all the scientific research within the state as well as requests from other states.

UQAR-ISMERMarine Biology, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

In the winter, the SEM lab at UQAR-ISMER is a quiet contrast to the rugged Arctic expedition Prof. André Rochon goes on each summer aboard the icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.

Luiz de Queiroz College of AgriculturePlant Pathology, Agriculture, TEM, Academia

The NAP/MEPA ESALQ initiated operations in 1995 as a true multi-user, multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional organization. Approximately 2500 users have been trained in 120 courses (introductory and special) from various institutions within the country and abroad.

University of Texas at Dallas - Nano and Beyond Microscopy LabMaterials Science, TEM, Academia

As Director of the Nano and Beyond Lab at the University of Texas (Dallas), Dr. Moon Kim's vision goes beyond nanoscale research and looking at atom-to-atom relationships to helping a global audience better understand the world of science.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Forensic LabContraband, Forensic Lab, Government

There's only one place in the world that is a dedicated crime lab for wildlife. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Forensic Lab, located in Ashland, Oregon, was opened in 1989 to help put a stop to illegal exports and imports of products made from endangered wildlife as well as protected natural resources.

Bears and the Sad Case of Identifying Bile in Powders and LiquidsContraband, Forensic Lab, Government

Can chemistry help save bears from an inhumane, unthinkable lifetime of torture, or from gruesome and wasteful poaching? Let’s hope so, but for now, bears are the victims of lucrative trade in the bile that their gall bladders produce.

LABNANO - Brazilian Center for Physics ResearchPhysics, Materials Characterization, FETEM, Government

Research topics include, but are not limited to, Theoretical Physics, Experimental Physics, Applied Physics and Cosmology.

University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez CampusBiology, Botany, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

When microscopy and photography skills merge, it's possible to achieve art as well as science in a single image.

State University of New York (Albany)Organic Chemistry, Environmental Analysis, Academia

Solving chemical mysteries and developing faster methods for analysis are all part of the work that goes on at JEOL USA's mass spectrometry demonstration lab.

University of Puerto Rico Catalyst ResearchCatalysts, Battery Research, Battery, SEM, Academia

Dr. Carlos Cabrera's research focuses on nanomaterials for regenerative fuel cells and lithium batteries; nanostructured surfaces; sensors and biosensors.

Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryProtein Structures, National Lab, TEM, Government

Dr. Kenneth Downing's lab at the U.S. Department of Energy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory made a major breakthrough for cancer research by solving the atomic level structure of tubulin, the protein responsible for cell division.

Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal FluminenseCell Biology, Medical Center, Hospital, TEM, Academia

The Institute of Biology was established in 1983 and has been teaching and supporting research for more than 30 years.

Natl. Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyMolecular Characterization, Materials Characterization, TEM, Industry

Dr. Suenega's major research theme involves the atomic level characterization of individual molecules by means of electron microscopy and spectroscopy.

Emory UniversityMedical Research, Medical Center, Hospital, TEM, Academia

Dr. Elizabeth R. Wright is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine. She is the Director of Robert P. Apkarian Integrated Electron Microscopy Core (RPAIEMC) at Emory University. She is also a Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Investigator Director.

Rocky Mountain LaboratoriesFailure Analysis, Service Lab, FESEM, Industry

Adapting to customers' imaging and analysis needs has been a hallmark for Rocky Mountain Laboratories, a service lab in Golden, Colorado with a spectacular view of both mountains and nanomaterials.

National University of Córdoba - Laboratory of Microscopy and X-ray MicroanalysisMicrofossils, Materials Characterization, EPMA, Academia

The number of applications is enormous, ranging from nondestructive analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials to microfossils and analytic software development.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de BiologiaZoology, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

Dr. Neto's group uses optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy to unveil unthinkable details of a world mostly unknown to inhabitants of this planet, although they play an important role in the stability of our ecosystems.

ASU Southwestern Center for Aberration Materials Science, Materials Characterization, TEM, Academia

Corrected Electron Microscopy - Extreme Lab For more than 40 years, Arizona State University has been known for expanding the boundaries of electron microscopy and research in materials and the life sciences. Now it has taken a leap forward into atomic level research.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de GeociênciasMineralogy, Geoscience, EPMA, Academia

The Labsonda (The UFRJ EPMA lab) was created in 2010 and is coordinated by Dr. Isabel P. Ludka. Dr. Ludka is a former UFRJ student who also has a Doctor of Science (DSc) from the UFRJ/Maximillian Universität München, Germany.

Microscopy in the Classroom: Bergen County AcademiesEducation, Materials Characterization, TEM, Academia

Schools that integrate microscopy into their science programs typically only have limited access to university instruments or older equipment. One public high school, however, has established its own lab with current instrumentation, and is helping other educators advocate for and enhance their science programs.

Texas Christian UniversityNanotubes, Semiconductor, TEM, Academia

While the path is well trod in carbon nanotube research and fabrication, silicon nanotube research is more akin to "the road not taken." But like the Robert Frost poem, the choice for silicon has "made all the difference" for Chemistry Professor Jeffery Coffer at Texas Christian University.

National University of ColombiaEarth Sciences, Geoscience, EPMA, Academia

Research in the lab is focused on applications related to earth sciences involving igneous and metamorphic petrology, ore geology, and stratigraphy. Examples of current research of lab members include provenance analysis, and determination of pressure–temperature conditions of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Harvard Medical School -- Department of Neurobiology - Corey LabNeurobiology, Medical Center, Hospital, FESEM, Academia

While we marvel at discoveries in technology and materials, SEM images like these of the inner ear remind us how living organisms have used the trial-and-error engineering of evolution to develop amazing structures.

Art Mystery at Boston CollegeFine Art Analysis, Chemicals, Chemistry, FESEM, Academia

A Boston College student's senior undergraduate honors thesis touched off an across-the-curriculum collaboration between scientists at BC and JEOL, art conservators, museums and collections managers, librarians, and also became the topic of a poster presented at Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011.

Snowflakes, Superglue, and SEMForestry, Environmental Analysis, SEM, Academia

Intrigued by cryo microscopy, and even further inspired when his professor mentioned that one could take SEM images of ice crystals in snow, an undergraduate biotechnology student was determined to capture his own images of snowflakes.

National Institute for Nanotechnology - A New Take on the Phase PlateBiological Materials, Materials Characterization, TEM, Government

At the National Institute for Nanotechnology, hole-free phase plates have been co-developed and patented by a team composed of Dr. Marek Malac, JEOL's own Dr. Masa Kawasaki, Prof. Ray Egerton and Dr. Marco Beleggia.

University of Illinois at ChicagoEnergy, TEM, Academia

The University of Illinois at Chicago just became an epicenter for atomic resolution research with the installation of its new aberration-corrected S/TEM, the ARM200F with cold field emission gun.

Coconut Waste Changes to GraceFood Analysis, Agriculture, SEM, Academia

Dr. Walter Bradley says he may never retire, now that he's found a way to help people in poor countries while turning agricultural waste into useful materials. For two decades his work in materials science helped the defense and aerospace industries.

Albany Medical CenterMedical Center, Hospital, TEM, Academia

They may not have the latest TEM technology at Albany Medical Center, but the microscope they do have has been working just fine from exactly the same spot where it was installed 27 years ago.

Northeastern Ohio Univ. Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy - 30 Year PartnershipDrug Delivery, Nanoparticle Analysis, Medical Center, Hospital, SEM, Academia

In 1979, when Jeanette Killius took over as EM Lab Manager at Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy (NEOUCOM), a JEOL TEM, model JEM-100S, had just been installed.

Schepens Eye Research InstituteOpthalmology, Medical Center, Hospital, SEM, Industry

Schepens Eye Research Institute, the largest free-standing eye research institute in the United States, is renowned for major breakthroughs in treatment of retinal disease, optic nerve regeneration, new cures for macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, other types of retinal and optic nerve degenerations and damage.

MVA Scientific ConsultantsScientific Consulting, Forensic Lab, SEM, Industry

Several high profile investigations have put MVA Scientific Consultants in the news and on the witness stand, while other projects that the microanalytical services company has undertaken have helped set new standards in health and environmental regulations.

Sappi Fine Paper North AmericaPaper Manufacturing, Consumer Products, SEM, Industry

One of North America's leading papermaking companies, Sappi Fine Paper North America produces 1.3 million tons of coated fine, specialty, and technical papers a year.

University of New England - Learning to Manipulate MoleculesMolecular Characterization, Chemicals, Chemistry, NMR, Academia

Chemistry students at the University of New England (UNE) in Biddeford, Maine are learning how to make a better molecule -- meaningful work that has the potential to influence both medicine and the environment.

W.M. Keck Center for Virus ImagingVirology, Medical Center, Hospital, TEM, Academia

The first U.S. laboratory of its kind opened its doors to a surge of virologists and infectious disease researchers eager to study Level 3 viruses and human pathogens with the magnification and resolution of a 200 keV Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).

The Blue Man - Silver and SeleniumMedical Center, Hospital, Industry

When a South Dakota ranch hand's skin turned bluish-grey, his condition was initially diagnosed as methemoglobinemia, or reduced oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood. He didn't respond to treatment, so he turned to the VA hospital in Sioux Falls, which is where he happened to meet Pathologist Dr. Jerry Simmons.

McCrone AssociatesForensic Lab, TEM, Industry

For anyone who loves a mystery, McCrone Associates has a plethora of stories to capture the imagination. Known for more than fifty years for their analytical services, the independent consulting lab has helped to solve crimes, identify foreign materials in products ranging from pills to plastics to electronics, and even dash a few dreams.

Virginia Institute of Marine SciencePBDE, Pollutants, Environmental Analysis, GCmate, Academia

At the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), College of William and Mary in Gloucester Point, Virginia, Senior Scientist Mark La Guardia examines the sources, abundances, and effects of priority environmental contaminants, specifically brominated flame-retardants or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), on the Chesapeake Bay.

San Joaquin Delta College - Unique Electron Microscopy TrainingBiology and Materials, Education, Materials Characterization, SEM, Academia

For nearly 40 years, students enrolled in the San Joaquin Delta College electron microscopy curriculum have been part of a unique two-year certificate program dedicated to practical, hands-on training of the future EM technician. It is one of only two such programs at the community college level in the country.

Philadelphia Museum of ArtArt, Chemicals, Chemistry, SEM, Industry

Scientists at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA) bring an eclectic background to the relatively young field of art conservation and authentication. Chemistry, art history, studio art, and historic preservation go hand in hand with expertise in pigments and varnishes, metal corrosion, and biochemistry.

Alphaviruses Inspire Metamaterials at Indiana UniversityBiological Materials, Nanomaterials, Materials Characterization, TEM, Academia

The acquisition of a new 300 kV Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) from JEOL distinguishes Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana as a major United States research facility where scientists can examine both biological and materials science structures at nanoscale resolution.

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