JEOL Milestones

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50th anniversary of JEOL e-beam lithography systems
Introduction of new 8100FS Direct Write EBL
JEOL introduces new HFX NMR Probe for Fluorinated Compounds


New "best-in-class" Field Emission SEM JSM-7200F and new versatile, compact tungsten SEM IT100 series introduced
JEOL introduces new generation InTouchScope IT100 Series SEM


Introduction of Grand ARM 300kV TEM with 63pm resolution
JEOL USA launches Image Contest
New ECZ Series NMR Spectrometer introduced


10 Years of DART
10th Anniversary of introduction of award-winning DART™ Direct Analysis in Real Time ion source
New Zero Boiloff Magnet for NMR
JEOL and Zoex Partner to Offer Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC) for High Sensitivity Mass Spectrometer AccuTOF-GCx
JEOL partners with Gatan to offer Serial Block Face Imaging for SEM
1400PLUS 120kV TEM, IT300 extended pressure SEM introduced


JEOL USA 50th Anniversary
JEOL USA celebrates its 50th anniversary
JEOL Brasil moves to new office
JEOL introduces new Field Emission SEM series with sub-1 nm imaging capabilities and analytical characterization at the sub-100nm scale
Fast, small solid state NMR probe introduced


1000 Cross Section Polishers sold worldwide for sample preparation
100 JEM-1400 TEMs sold worldwide
JEOL USA receives its 11th Omega Award for outstanding service
R&D 100 Award goes to InTouchScope (JSM-6010) SEM
MT10-Award goes to ClairScope atmospheric SEM
JEOL chemist receives prestigious Anachem Award
New Chilean partner, Arquimed, announced
Environmental Control System for labs introduced
Large Angle SDD-EDS for TEM introduced
Joint venture company, JEOL Resonance, formed for NMR and ESR


R&D 100 Award goes to ClairScope atmospheric SEM
JEOL receives 10th Omega award for customer service
JEOL offers first commercially available thin film phase plate technology for TEM


JEOL receives 9th Omega award for customer service
JEOL introduces ClairScope, JASM-6200, first integrated correlative microscopy tool
JEOL introduces JEM-ARM200F, atomic resolution analytical microscope with STEM-HAADF resolution of 0.08 nm


JEOL receives 8th Omega award for customer service
JEOL introduces benchtop SEM with LV and high resolution


JEOL ships 10,000th SEM unit from Technics group in Japan
JEOL ships 10,000th SEM unit from Technics group in Japan
JEOL receives 7th Omega award for customer service
Cross-Atlantic operation of JEOL aberration-corrected TEM
JEOL TEMs installed in BioSafety Level 3 Lab
JEOL introduces cyber-enabled NMR


Minimum linewidths of 8nm achieved with direct write lithography system
New ultrahigh resolution FE SEM achieves true 1,000,000X imaging
JEOL speeds NMR experiments with ability to perform DART mass analysis directly from NMR tube
JEOL announces untethered TEM – on-the-go microscopy with cellular connection


Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART™) revolutionizes mass spectrometry
DART wins Pittcon Editors’ Gold Award, R&D 100 Award
360° wafer edge review improves yield with wafer analysis SEMs
Sirius remote TEM operation software lets scientists see atoms from halfway around the world
JEOL USA named Major Industrial Partner with MIT’s Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
DART appears on popular crime television show CSI
U.S. Patent awarded for DART
JEOL receives 5th consecutive Omega award for outstanding service


Argon beam cross section polisher introduced to prepare distortion-free SEM samples
GCMate II mass spectrometer used in analysis of antioxidants in blueberries
New Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) maps with analytical resolution approaching 100nm
JEOL receives 4th consecutive Omega award for outstanding service


Introduced ultrahigh resolution TEM – JEM-2100F
Automated structural elucidation software for NMR introduced
Cs corrected SEM developed – JSM-7700F
JEOL receives 3rd consecutive Omega Award for outstanding service
Cross-section FIB/STEM solution introduced
Introduced ultrahigh resolution TEM – JEM-2100F
ColdSpray ionization source introduced for AccuTOF MS
New CD Metrology Software announced for JEOL SEMs
New SPM introduced for native environment imaging – JSPM-5200
JEOL Ltd. ISO 14001 certified
Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART™) submitted for U.S. patent


TEEMmate mass spectrometer for explosives introduced
JEOL West Coast Technology Center in Pleasanton, California opens
Robert Santorelli appointed JEOL USA President/COO
Gentle Beam technology introduced with new JSM-7400F SEM
New generation of high resolution SEMs introduced (JSM-6360 /LV and JSM-6460 /LV)
New generation of NMR spectrometers introduced – ECA/ECX
JEOL receives Omega Award for outstanding service
APIA membership


New Time-of-Flight LC/MS AccuTOF™ introduced
JEOL receives Omega Award for outstanding service


I-Checker Wafer Process Monitor introduced
New multipurpose lithography/inspection SEM (6500F)


JEOL celebrates 50th Anniversary
Winner of VLSI Research Top Ten Award for service


Winner of VLSI Research Top Ten Award for service


Recipient of National Semiconductor Silver Award


First JEOL SPM introduced


First JEOL Wafer Inspection System


JEOL USA, Inc. moved to new Peabody, MA headquarters


Soquelec, Ltd. becomes JEOL representative in Canada


First JEOL e-beam lithography system introduced


First JEOL SEM introduced
JEM-1000 Ultrahigh Voltage (1000 kV) Electron Microscope completed


First JEOL MS introduced


JEOL shares listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
JEOL CO (USA) INC. established as the first overseas subsidiary


Akishima Factory Building No. 1 (South Wing) completed
Company name changed to JEOL Ltd.


First JEOL EPMA introduced


First JEOL NMR introduced


First JEOL TEM introduced


JEM-1 electron microscope
Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd. established in Mitaka, Tokyo
JEM-1 electron microscope completed

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