Center for Analysis of Biomedical Phenomena of the State University of Amazonas (CMABio)

Center for Analysis of Biomedical Phenomena of the State University of Amazonas (CMABio)
Since 2013, the Amazonas State University (UEA), in partnership with researchers from the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics located at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), has been engaged in scientific and technological development initiatives in the Amazon, and a significant stage was the inauguration of the Center for Analysis of Biomedical Phenomena of the State University of Amazonas (CMABio) on October 14, 2019.
The center was developed and designed by internationally renowned experts in the field of cell biology and electron microscopy, like PhD. Wanderley de Souza and PhD. Kildare Miranda, which is Director of the Advanced Microscopy Unit of the National Center for Structural Biology and Bioimaging (CENABIO), with the support of the Project Financier (FINEP), aiming the investigation of Amazonian biodiversity as a global benefit.
There is a joint effort by Brazilian institutions in the design of preservation programs, in addition to the consolidation of therapy based on the prospecting of natural forest resources against neglected tropical diseases. Thus, the initial projections of this center aim to characterize etiological agents present in the region, virulence and host interaction, as well as the study of arboviruses, compounds, and new drugs. Understanding areas such as cell biology, pharmacology, immunology, and proteomics.
Faced with the need for researchers in the region, the multi-user access dynamic was implemented, where both projects from the School of Health Sciences of UEA could be developed, as well as support to institutions such as the Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation, National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and other state universities.
Coordinating this project is Dr. Diego Regalado, (Director of the Higher School of Health Sciences), allied with a technical team of confocal and electron microscopy specialists trained at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and experienced in areas such as molecular biology, proteomic and Amazon biodiversity.
CMABio’s Team and the inauguration of Center.
CMABio’s Team and the inauguration of Center.
Regarding the structure, CMABio has high-resolution imaging microscopes such as a scanning electron capable of operating in low vacuum and microanalysis (JEOL JSM-IT500HR), as well as confocal and fluorescence microscopes, and a transmission electron microscope in the purchase process (JEOL JEM-1400). It has a complete structure for sample preparation before imaging and a platform for developing cell culture.
Figure 2: Scanning Electron Microscope – JEOL JSM-IT-500HR
Figure 2: Scanning Electron Microscope – JEOL JSM-IT-500HR
The center is currently consolidating partnerships and is also available for material surface analysis, microstructure evaluation and correlated data collection from joint analysis as well as functional applications of non-biological specimens. In the area of confocal microscopy, it allows the understanding of biological phenomena, analysis of drugs effects on cells, diagnosis of pathologies and identification of cell line impairment.

The Image Winner of September from JEOL Image Contest 2019

Given the quality of the images acquired before the center opened, the team was encouraged to submit the results to the JEOL USA Image Contest. The image sent was a micrograph obtained using the ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscope, operating at 15 kV from the Euphorbia milii flower, popularly known as “Coroa de Cristo”, more specifically the anther, structure where pollen grains are produced, collected on the premises of the School of Health Sciences.
Euphorbia milii anthera details
Euphorbia milii anthera details
The image was the winner of the September version and is competing for the best image of the year, along with micrographs from around the world, and will be part of JEOL's calendar in 2020. There has been a great engagement of the image in network publications, social medias, and editing techniques have been further refined to further improve the quality of the center.
Centro Multiusuário para Análise de Fenômenos Biomédicos - CMABio website:
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