Automated Structural Analysis using AI and GC-HRTOFMS

Super-Charged Mass Spectral Data Processing

Automated Structural Analysis using AI and GC-HRTOFMS

Erick Leyva Ramírez

Get to know JEOL de Mexico

For more than 30 years, the JEOL sales and service office in Mexico has been the resource for electron microscopes and microprobes, as well as NMR and Mass Spectrometers.

Wrapping up the 14th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop

Wrapping up the 14th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop

Catch up on our latest GC-MS conference attendance at the Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop in Liege Belgium!


Overcoming Key Challenges In Metal 3D Printing

3D printing provides boundless opportunities for printing metal components, but there are still drawbacks that need to be addressed. Read more.

Which Metals can be 3D Printed?

Which Metals can be 3D Printed?

Several metals can go through the 3D printing process, and each metal provides a range of properties that might make them more suitable than others. Read on.


How Cryo-EM is Revolutionizing Structural Biology

The impact of cryo-EM has been so profound that it is predicted to surpass X-ray crystallography as the predominant structural biology method by 2024.

FWS Mobile lab

New Mobile Forensic Lab Features DART Mass Spectrometer

The DART Mass Spectrometer is an essential tool in the US Fish and Wildlife’s new mobile forensic lab, developed to address the backlog of illegal timber at US Ports of entry. Learn more about how scientists use the DART to protect endangered species of wood.

Additive Manufacturing 3D Metal Printing

What is 3D Metal Printing and How Does it Work?

3D metal printing is a term that is used to cover several processes in which metal objects are produced by technology. Read on for applications and benefits.

GCC 2022 Conference Review

Next Steps in GC-MS Petrochemical Analysis: Gulf Coast Conference 2022 Review

Level up your petrochemical analysis after GCC 2022: Learn about GCxGC, AI structural analysis, and how to skip the sample prep when analyzing motor oils.

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