NeoScope Image Contest Entries & Winners
We had exceptional images submitted to our annual contest, including many from our smallest SEM, the benchtop NeoScope. We decided to hold an additional contest just for them. Enjoy this awesome series of SEM images submitted by high school students, lab managers, and others who use the NeoScope in their work.
July 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: Hydrogel; SUBJECT: Hydrogel; CREDIT: Satviki Singh, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
August 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: Sand Dollar Peristome; SUBJECT: Sand Dollar Peristome; CREDIT: FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
September 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: BLOOM; SUBJECT: Ageratum sp.; CREDIT: Langley Anderson, Radford University; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL JCM-5000 NeoScope
October 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: Bug!; SUBJECT: Bug with a chewing type mouth; CREDIT: Turley Stephen, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
November 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: Mako shark skin; SUBJECT: Mako shark skin; CREDIT: Tricia Meredith, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
December 2021 Image Contest WinnerCategoryTITLE: You Better Beelieve It; SUBJECT: Bee head; CREDIT: FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
ScallopCategorySUBJECT: Scallop shell; CREDIT: Tanvi Desai, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
QuinoaCategorySUBJECT: Quinoa; CREDIT: Jamie Knaub, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
human toothCategorySUBJECT: human tooth; CREDIT: Abigail Sinu, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Fruit flyCategorySUBJECT: Fruit fly; CREDIT: Saachi Mody, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
PteropodCategorySUBJECT: Pteropod shell; CREDIT: Katelyn Ramsahai, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
SalviniaCategorySUBJECT: Salvinia leaf; CREDIT: Patricia Yu, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
popsicle stickCategorySUBJECT: broken popsicle stick; CREDIT: Image taken by Dr. Tricia Meredith, photo edited by Jamie Knaub, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
FeatherCategorySUBJECT: feather; CREDIT: Andrea Hernandez, Jamie Knaub, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
craft spongeCategorySUBJECT: foam craft sponge; CREDIT: Image taken by Dr. Tricia Meredith, photo edited by Jamie Knaub, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Clover LeafCategorySUBJECT: Jamie Knaub, Clover leaf; CREDIT: FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
SQUITOCategorySUBJECT: Aedes albopictus (mosquito); CREDIT: Langley Anderson, Radford University; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL JCM-5000 NeoScope
DragonCategorySUBJECT: Odonata (Dragonfly) wing; CREDIT: Langley Anderson, Radford University; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL JCM-5000 NeoScope
SkeeterCategorySUBJECT: Mosquito; CREDIT: Langely Anderson, Radford University; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL JCM-5000 NeoScope
MentoCategorySUBJECT: Mento; CREDIT: Jamie Knaub, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Orchid rootCategorySUBJECT: Orchid root; CREDIT: Jasmine Coyle, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Dragonfly WingCategorySUBJECT: Dragonfly Wing; CREDIT: Wyatt Smith, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Fooled youCategorySUBJECT: Pyrite - Fool's Gold; CREDIT: Jamie Knaub, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Gecko ToesCategorySUBJECT: Gecko Toes; CREDIT: Angelina Smith, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL SEM
MillipedeCategorySUBJECT: Millipede; CREDIT: Tricia Meredith, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Ant headCategorySUBJECT: Ant head; CREDIT: Flavio Guerra Loureiro; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL 6360
Butterfly wingCategorySUBJECT: Butterfly wing; CREDIT: Jamie Knaub, Florida Atlantic University High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
CoralliteCategorySUBJECT: Corallite; CREDIT: Aisha Mirza, FAU High School Owls Imaging Lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL Neoscope JCM6000 Plus
Ageratum ICategorySUBJECT: Ageratum sp.; CREDIT: Langley Anderson, Radford University; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL JCM-5000 NeoScope
Spider spinneretCategoryCREDIT: Braden Ruddy, Florida Atlantic University High School Imaging lab; METHOD/INSTRUMENT: JEOL SEM