October 17,
2011 2513
SUNY Oswego recently welcomed a new scanning electron microscope, a key piece of equipment for the sciences complex rising on campus and for recruiting top students who want to learn nanotechnology skills.
October 12,
2011 2310
Based on activities in teaching, research, administration or other activity which has advanced the art and science of the field
September 23,
2011 2233
Collaboration uses Lehigh's advanced electron microscopes to pinpoint phase transition
September 23,
2011 2323
Jolliff's analysis of new images of the Moon revealed a small volcanic province on the far side of the Moon.
August 30,
2011 2337
JEOL AccuTOF-DART Mass Spectrometer investigates the secrets of Civil War dolls
August 29,
2011 2278
Direct analysis in real time-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (DART-MS) to the four main natural fibres - cotton, wool, linen and silk
May 16,
2011 2549
JEOL ARM200F Cold FEG TEM offers "Flash & Go"
May 6,
2011 2386
Automated DART process for rapid swab testing
April 7,
2011 2386
New mineral named "Wassonite" in one of the most historically significant meteorites recovered in Antarctica in December 1969.
December 29,
2010 2558
Pharmaceutical industry need for “quick and dirty” QA/QC solutions in the laboratory and on the factory floor is driving growth