JEOL in the News


New Technique Probes Electron Properties of Individual Atoms

Low voltage (60kV) set-up produces the necessary short wavelength electrons for high resolution spectroscopy, whilst leaving samples intact

RTI Launches New Spectral Database for Forensic Laboratory, Research, and Law Enforcement

Initially intent on sharing DART-MS data alone, RTI sought to have custom databasing software developed.

Electron Microscopy: An Integral Tool in Mechanical Testing and Failure Analysis

Electron Microscopy: An Integral Tool in Mechanical Testing and Failure Analysis

Characterizing Nanomaterials Using a Low Angle Backscatter Detector

Characterizing Nanomaterials Using a Low Angle Backscatter Detector

UTSA physics researcher Miguel Yacaman receives honorary doctorate from Mexican university

Honorary degree is a first for Yacaman

Transmission Electron Microscopyof Stainless Steel for Stents

The transmission electron microscope is a powerful tool for microstructural analysis of metals, polymers, and other materials incorporated into medical devices

Advanced Electron Microscopes at Emory Showcase New Phase-Plate Technology

Two state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) from JEOL to provide high-resolution images of viruses, bacteria, tissues and artificial biomaterials

JEOL ClairScope Wins R&D 100 Award

Couples optical microscopy with an atmospheric scanning electron microscope (ASEM) in a novel open culture system that retains the samples’ native state while under study.  

Initial Trials on New Ovarian Cancer Tests Exhibit Extremely High Accuracy

New technique involving mass spectrometry of a single drop of blood serum

Imaging Atoms and Revolutionizing Laptop Computers

Chemical & Materials Sciences Division Research Highlights from the University of New Mexico's Center for Micro-Engineered Materials.
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