November 29,
2018 1307
Building a Cutting-Edge STEM to Study Nuclear Materials – PNNL video
November 5,
2018 1286
Instrument makers and academia’s analytical researchers need each other, but speed bumps sometimes mark the way.
October 8,
2018 1308
When crime lab chemists handle evidence that contains illegal drugs, trace amounts of those drugs are inevitably released into the laboratory environment. When chemists scoop a bit of powder to test it, for instance, microscopic particles can become airborne and later settle on nearby surfaces. Particles can also be spread by touch. To some degree, this is an unavoidable byproduct of the testing process, and it can result in detectable background levels of drugs ...
October 3,
2018 1303
The pace of NMR hardware developments continues to accelerate and recent innovations in NMR probes and the establishment of new applications mean that NMR is set to increase in importance. A shift to real-time analysis and an increasing demand for rapid screening techniques confirm NMR as one of the key techniques for most analytical chemists. Quantitative applications are adding a further dimension to NMR application in several industries where the technique has not previously ...
September 17,
2018 1580
Standing beneath a pearly white, towering microscope called the JEOL NEOARM, Penn's Douglas Yates explains that scanning transmission electron microscopes are so powerful they can image down to the atomic level. These microscopes fire energetic electrons through the object being examined. This allows researchers to create an atomic-scale image through the interaction between the electrons and the atoms in the sample.
Penn’s NEOARM is the first in the United States. “This instrument is unique because it reaches ...
September 17,
2018 1577
The University of Houston has added two new JEOL NMR systems to its existing suite as demand for NMR spectroscopy among students and researchers grows.
The University of Houston’s chemistry department now has four NMR systems and the pharmacy department has one – all from JEOL Inc. Users come from a range of disciplines, with biology, physics and engineering groups making up a total user group of over 100 students and 30 faculty staff at ...
September 17,
2018 1504
The University of Glasgow has opened an innovative new structural biology centre, home to a cutting-edge electron microscope - the first of its kind in Scotland - that will be used to image biological molecules at the atomic level.
September 20,
2017 2061
At Michigan State University’s Department of Medicine, Chief Cardiologist Dr. George Abela has made life-changing discoveries in understanding the role of cholesterol crystals in heart attacks. His use of unique fixation techniques and scanning electron microscopy have aided his research, revealing that the crystals form from fat, calcium, and other substances that expand in volume when going from a liquid to a solid state.
March 31,
2017 2057
Researchers retrofitted a transmission electron microscope with a cryostage, a device used to keep biological samples frozen in liquid nitrogen. Scientists used the JEOL cryo-electron microscope to map the Samba virus and observe it as the virus invaded an amoeba.
March 21,
2017 1848
In an article published online March 10 in the journal Advanced Materials, Dr. Moon Kim and his colleagues describe a material that, when heated to about 450 degrees Celsius, transforms from an atomically thin, two-dimensional sheet into an array of one-dimensional nanowires, each just a few atoms wide.