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JEOL USA Press Releases

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A joint paper was published with the RIKEN-JEOL Collaboration Center, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), University of Warwick, and JEOL RESONANCE Inc. This article has also been featured on the cover!


  • Selective detection of 1H signals of API in a tablet formulation is proposed.
  • 1H signals of excipients are suppressed.
  • 1H signals in the vicinity of nuclei (here 14N) which only appear in API are excited.
  • 1H{14N} magnetization is diffused to 1Hs in API crystals by RFDR recoupling.


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Atomic-level characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) is crucial in pharmaceutical industry because APIs play an important role in physicochemical properties of drug formulations. However, the analysis of targeted APIs in intact tablet formulations is less straightforward due to the coexistence of excipients as major components and different APIs at dilute concentrations (often below 10 ​wt% loading). Although solid-state (ss) NMR spectroscopy is widely used to investigate short-range order, polymorphism, and pseudo-polymorphism in neat pharmaceutical compounds, the analysis of complex drug formulations is often limited by overlapped signals that originate from structurally different APIs and excipients. In particular, such examples are frequently encountered in the analysis of 1H ssNMR spectra of pharmaceutical formulations. While the high-resolution in 1H ssNMR spectra can be attained by, for example, high magnetic fields accompanied by fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) approaches, the spectral complexity associated with the mixtures of compounds hinders the accurate determination of chemical shifts and through-space proximities. Here we propose a fast MAS (70 ​kHz) NMR experiment for the selective detection of 1H signals associated with an API from a severely overlapped NMR spectrum of a tablet formulation. Spectral simplification is achieved by combining (i) symmetry-based dipolar recoupling (SR412) rotational-echo saturation-pulse double-resonance (RESPDOR) with phase-modulate (PM) saturation pulses, (ii) radio frequency-driven recoupling (RFDR), and (iii) double-quantum excitation using Back-to-Back (BaBa) pulse sequence elements. First, 1H sites in close proximities to 14N nuclei of an API are excited using a PM-S-RESPDOR sequence, and simultaneously, the other unwanted 1H signals of excipients are suppressed. Then, 1H magnetization transfer to adjacent 1H sites in the API is achieved by spin diffusion process using a RFDR sequence, which polarizes to 1H sites within the crystalline API regions of the drug formulation. Next, a PM-S-RESPDOR-RFDR sequence is combined with a Back-to-Back (BaBa) sequence to elucidate local-structures and 1H–1H proximities of the API in a dosage form. The PM-S-RESPDOR-RFDR-BaBa experiment is employed in one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) versions to selectively detect the 1H ssNMR spectrum of l-cysteine (10.6 ​wt% or 0.11 ​mg) in a commercial formulation, and compared with the spectra of neat l-cysteine recorded using a standard BaBa experiment. The 2D 1H double-quantum−single-quantum (DQ-SQ) spectrum of the API (l-cysteine)-detected pharmaceutical tablet is in good agreement with the 2D 1H DQ-SQ spectrum obtained from the pure API molecule. Furthermore, the sensitivity and robustness of the experiment is examined by selectively detecting 1H{14N} signals in an amino acid salt, l-histidine.H2O.HCl.

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