March 27, 2014 (Peabody, MA) -- JEOL and Nikon have integrated optical microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy in a way that enables seamless observation of the same region of interest on a sample with fast, accurate navigation. The technique, MiXcroscopy, employs the same specimen holder for both the optical microscope (OM) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The specimen stage registration is fully controlled by dedicated software that allows the OM and SEM to share, recall and observe exact locations of specific areas on the specimens.

The Nikon ECLIPSE LV-N series optical microscope and any of the JEOL JSM-7000 series Field Emission SEMs work concurrently as the optical image taken on the OM, along with specimen stage coordinates, are transferred to the SEM for navigation and correlation via Nikon's Elements software. When the sample holder is moved to the SEM, the researcher can observe detailed structures at higher magnifications and easily compare to the optical image on screen.
JEOL and Nikon have recently announced a business alliance that includes development of correlative microscopy techniques. Nikon has represented the JEOL benchtop SEM, the NeoScope, since its introduction in 2008.