JEOL USA Press Releases

JEOL USA Press Releases


JEOL USA Press Releases

October 25, 2010 (Peabody, Mass.) -- JEOL USA announced today that the new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, opening in November at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has selected the JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope for its new microscopy core. The 200kV Field Emission TEM offers a highly flexible platform for both biological and materials applications. It features rapid data acquisition with uncompromised resolution and analytical performance. This latest generation TEM will be configured with the new Gatan GIF Quantum post-column energy filter for capture of both detailed EELS and EFTEM data sets at high throughputs.

“JEOL is honored to partner with this cutting edge research center and to be a part of the intense efforts of the Cambridge/Boston biotech supercluster to develop new treatments to combat cancer. The JEM-2100F will be used for nanomaterials characterization in this unique research environment that connects the talents and resources of the number one school of engineering with those of leaders in the field of life sciences at MIT and surrounding hospitals,” said Richard Lois, Director of Sales at JEOL USA.

As the 350,000 square foot facility prepared to open this fall, Executive Director Robert Urban explained, “The Koch Institute represents a major commitment on behalf of MIT to bring the powers of both the School of Science and the School of Engineering in proximity to each other. We will utilize our faculty from these different schools to create an environment through which they can be highly collaborative and work together in very specific technical areas relevant to inventing new types of solutions; solutions that hopefully will improve the lives of cancer patients and their families.”

The 25 faculty labs will be headed by noted MIT faculty including Angela Belcher, head of the Biomolecular Materials Group, MacArthur Award winner and Scientific American's 2006 Researcher of the Year; Paula Hammond, Bayer Chair Prof. of Chemical Engineering and 2010 winner of Harvard Foundation’s Distinguished Scientist Award; Angelika Amon, winner of the Waterman Award from the National Science Foundation as the nation's top young scientist or engineer; Phillip Sharp, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; and Robert Langer, winner of the 2006 National Medal of Science and many, many more. Tyler Jacks, the David H. Koch Professor of Biology at MIT, is the faculty Director of this impressive research center.

While the Koch Institute is only one of seven non-clinical research facilities belonging to the National Cancer Institute – in other words, no patients will be treated there - its location puts it squarely in the heart of NCI cancer center hospitals where it will closely collaborate with the medical oncology community.

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