JEOL USA Press Releases

JEOL USA Press Releases


JEOL USA Press Releases

New Single-Beam FIB Offers Unique Cost Performance

Peabody, Mass., March 9, 2006 -- A new single-column focused ion beam (FIB) system from JEOL makes automated, high-speed specimen preparation affordable at nearly one-third the cost of dual beam FIBs. The JEOL JEM-9320 FIB prepares thin films and cross sections for failure and defect analysis at the nanoscale using S/TEM, TEM or surface observation.

An ion beam current of 30nA at 30kV delivers fast, automated precise milling of specimens, which can be observed in situ at a 6nm resolution using SIM imaging, a method of increasing channeling contrast to distinguish complex layer structures in semiconductor fabrications. By adjusting the beam current, the JEM-9320 FIB can also perform high-speed, pinpoint fabrications.

The specimen stage can be rotated to precise angles through one-touch operation of the easy-to-use automation software. Specimen position is graphically displayed in a wide view mode, or at high magnifications up to 300,000X.

The small footprint, energy-saving design complements “cut and see” operations using SEM, TEM, STEM, EPMA, or Auger analysis. This single-column FIB offers a new choice for economic specimen preparation and reduces the cost of development and quality control in the fab or in the multi-user university setting.

Demonstrations will be conducted at MIT’s ISN (Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies) facility in Cambridge, MA.

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