Auto Sample Changers

Easy Access Changer

JEOL autosamplers are available for 30, 64, or 100 samples and sample access is ADA compliant for height and reach.

The sample is transferred to the NMR probe using a convenient and safe manipulator - no need for a step ladder to change sample! Once loaded into the waist level carousel, there is no further handling of the sample tube and the transfer in and out of the magnet is safe and automatic even for different tube diameters.

ASC30 (30 samples) auto sample changer (left); ASC100 (100 samples) auto sample changer (right)

Top-loading Carousel (ASC24)

This auto sample changer for 24 samples (ASC24) is a carousel type sample positioned on top of the super conducting magnet. No additional floor space is required. The exchangeable carousel greatly extends the flexibility of this auto sample changer.
Top-loading Carousel (ASC24)

Pre-Heat (ASC30)

The Pre-Heat ASC30 is designed for polymer research. It is capable of keeping 12 samples at up to 160°C. This heating holder is completely independent from the carousel (conventional room temperature sample slots), and room temperature samples are available without any special manual handling. This ensures simple sample changing automation without the need for steps or ladders as sample transport is fully controlled by the software.
Pre-Heat ASC30
Instrument example: JNM-ECZ500R and Pre-Heat ASC30

Video of the Pre-Heat ASC30 in Action

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