Excimer UV Cleaner SM-92100EUVC

Excimer UV Cleaner SM-92100EUVC

Dark areas of contamination can gradually form on a specimen surface during observation in an electron microscope. This surface contamination can conceal the true surface structure of the specimen or degrade resolution in the contaminated area.

Ever see that 'Dark Square'? This happens when hydrocarbon-based contaminants on the surface of the specimen are irradiated by the electron beam resulting in carbonaceous deposits.

The Excimer UV Cleaner uses UV light (Xe excitation, at 172 nm) to eliminate contamination on the specimen surface. This system can also be used to hydrophilize a specimen surface.

Excimer UV Cleaner SM-92100EUVC

Key Features

  • Mitigates Contamination during Observations Made with an Electron Microscope
  • Cleans Specimens and Tools
  • Hydrophilizes the Specimen Surface

Mitigate Contamination during Observation

Observation of fine surface structure in SEM requires imaging at low accelerating voltage. Under these conditions,
surface contamination can conceal the observation of this fine structure.
Mitigate Contamination during Observation
Observation was performed at a magnification of 100,000 times (left figure), then at a lower magnification of 30,000 times (right figure). When the specimen is not processed (top row), the part observed at 100,000 times turns darker and less clear. However, after it is cleaned using the Excimer UV Cleaner (bottom row), contamination caused by irradiation of an electron beam is less, because there are fewer hydrocarbon compounds on the specimen surface.

Cleaning Contamination Adhered to the Specimen Surface

If a specimen is used or stored for a long time, contamination accumulates due to organic compounds contained in the environment.
Cleaning Contamination Adhered to the Specimen Surface
The Excimer UV Cleaner can eliminate contamination caused by organic substances in a dry environment.


When the Excimer UV Cleaner irradiates UV light, reactive oxygen species are generated and can form polar functional groups on the surface which improves hydrophilicity. This pre-treatment process can be applied to improve bonding when processing a specimen for EM observation.

Mechanism for Specimen Cleaning / Hydrophilization Using the Excimer UV Cleaner

Process of contamination caused by the electron beam

Process of contamination caused by the electron beam

Cleaning process

Cleaning process
The height of the specimen tray can be adjusted to fit large specimens.
The height of the specimen tray can be adjusted to fit large specimens.


Wavelength of irradiated UV light 172 nm
Maximum specimen size 105 mm (W) × 105 mm (D) × 70 mm (H)
Maximum specimen mass 1 kg
Irradiation time 10 seconds to 99 minutes
Vacuum pump Diaphragm type dry vacuum pump
Installation requirements: Power Single phase 90 to 110 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz, 500 VA
Dimensions and weight (cables and vacuum pipes not included) Main unit 39 cm (W) × 50 cm (D) × 32 cm (H), approximately 22 kg
Vacuum pump 50 cm (W) × 20 cm (D) × 30 cm (H), approximately 9 kg
Room temperature 15 to 30℃
Humidity 60% (RH) or less (no condensation)
Regular replacement parts (replace them every time cumulative irradiation time reaches 1000 hours) UV lamp, vacuum gauge, O-ring, etc.

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