JEOL Cryo TEMs for Structural Biology

High contrast imaging. Tomography. Montaging. Cryo-electron microscopy. Thin film Zernike phase plate technology. Remote and automated operation.

These capabilities, combined with ultrahigh resolution and ease of use, distinguish JEOL TEM instrumentation for structural biology research. JEOL customers are pioneering discoveries in infectious diseases, bacteria, deadly viruses, and complex neuronal structures. JEOL TEMs are located in some of the most prestigious research labs in the world.

Today’s JEOL TEMs are the result of more than six decades of electron optics expertise, research partnerships, and advances in TEM technology by world-renowned scientists.

JEOL offers a range of high performance TEMs, from 300kV and 200kV models with in-column energy filter for leading edge research, to a 120keV TEM for routine sample screening:

The new JEOL JEM-ARM300F Transmission Electron Microscope exceeds atomic resolution boundaries for any commercially-available TEMs today. Designed to meet the most advanced materials development requirements for atom-by-atom characterization and chemical mapping, the Grand ARM, with 55pm resolution at 300kV, offers the highest level of performance in the JEOL line of atomic resolution microscopes.

The JEM-F200 "F2" is the only advanced analytical, high throughput 200kV S/TEM in its class to offer a Cold Field Emission Gun and dual Silicon Drift Detectors. The 'F2' employs the newest in JEOL innovations in an easy-to-use, extremely stable, high resolution imaging and analytical 200kV TEM. The F2 is a multi-purpose workhorse system with advanced features not found in any other non-aberration corrected S/TEM.

The JEM-1400Flash, the popular and versatile JEOL 120kV TEM, can be configured for either high contrast imaging or scanning transmission electron microscopic (S/TEM) analysis.

To learn more about how JEOL TEMs have revolutionized biological research with phase plate technology, or for a bibliography of papers and proceedings published on this topic, please complete the form below.

Images in collage: JEOL JEM-2100F and JEM-3200FSC TEM at Baylor College of Medicine (photos by Ian Rees NCMI); 3D reconstruction showing DNA packaging in virus capsid (Courtesy of Life Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Tomography of resin-embedded basal bodies (Courtesy of Dr. Geimer, University of Bayreuth); Stained Mouse retina showing more than 70 types of neurons, and microneuroma on a mouse retina - montage of more than 1000 unattended frame captures in just three hours (Marc Lab, Moran Eye Center, University of Utah); 3D reconstruction of bacteriophage, and structure of GroEL, a molecular machine that aids protein folding (Courtesy of Dr. Wah Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine); JEOL JEM-1400 TEM.


Press Announcement

JEOL Offers First Commercially-Available Thin Film Phase Plate Technology for TEM
Multifold Increase in Biological Specimen Imaging Contrast

Images of T4 phage and influenza A virus courtesy of the laboratory of Prof. K. Nagayama, Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki, Japan.

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