Analytical Instrument Documents

Datasheet / nail polish (neat) before and after

Datasheet / 1D and 2D cis-3-hexenylcinnamate data

Before Gradient Shimming; After 2 iterations automatic 1H gradient shimming - no deuterated solvent - no manual retouching of shims.

Before Gradient Shimming; After 2 iterations automatic 2H gradient shimming - no manual retouching of shims

Data obtained from two-dimensional NMR experiments is incredibly useful for structure elucidation of complex molecules, especially when their one-dimensional spectra feature overlapping peaks. However, some experiments require significant amounts of time in order to yield data with adequate resolution or signal to noise for unambiguous interpretation. Any means of reducing the total acquisition time is useful. In this Note, we’ll explore a technique known as Non Uniform Sampling (NUS), demonstrate how it can be used to speed up data collection, and highlight how it can be employed in Delta™ on JEOL Spectrometers.

A very powerful and useful general NMR technique is to use selective excitation to focus directly on a resonance frequency or region to allow acquisition of very specific information to efficiently answer a specific question. Many experiments have been developed that are in essence 1-dimensional analogues of 2-dimensional experiments. In particular NOESY-1D1 and TOCSY-1D have gained wide spread use and acceptance in the NMR community. The NOESY-1D and TOCSY-1D experiments can provide specific answers to questions in a fraction of the time needed for a full 2D result even with NUS techniques. In this Applications Note, we will explore the StepNoesy1D2 experiment, which can yield information typically obtained by performing time consuming 3D experiments.

Looking back, NMR spectroscopy has been in use as a research tool and under constant development for almost 80 years. Some principles of magnetic resonance were initially described by Isidor Isaac Rabi of Columbia University in 1938. With further fundamental research being done in the late 1930s and early ’40s, the official birth of the technique is generally accepted to have been in 1946 and is attributed to Edward M. Purcell and Felix Bloch. Both were honored with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1952 for the discovery of NMR spectroscopy. Dr. Ray Freeman, one of the pioneers of NMR applications technology, has created a resource for further reading on the history of both the science and development of NMR technology.

JEOL RESONANCE Inc has developed a new NMR system, the JNM-ECZ series (* Notice) . Building on the experience of the JNM-ECAII/ECXII/ECS series, the JNM-ECZ series uses fully integrated cutting-edge digital technologies. In this report, some of the hardware features of the JNM-ECZ spectrometers (ZETA) are introduced.

University of Massachusetts Lowell’s NMR Spectroscopy Facility Manager, Wendy Gavin, discusses the importance of an NMR vendor that supports the constant challenge to be innovative. With over 13 years spent working in industry, 11 in a large pharmaceutical company, it is safe to say that Wendy Gavin knows the secret to successful nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Wendy has worked at the university for over six years and, as well as being the NMR Core Research Facility Manager, she also manages the University’s Analytical Chemistry lab. Her experience working in industry has provided unique insights into a customer’s requirements and enables her to ensure that the NMR facility at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is providing high quality data. Here, she explains the difference it makes to have an instrumentation vendor that goes the extra mile to support all users.

Last Updated: September 2013


Other Resources

Walkup NMR
  • See how the Delta NMR software allows users to just "walk up" and start NMR experiments
  • Mass Spec Reference Data
  • View our page of useful molecular references for Mass Spec
  • Tutorials (Mass Spec)
  • Documents on the basics of mass spectrometry
  • Delta NMR software Tutorials
  • Videos on how to use the Delta NMR software
  • No-D NMR
  • Description of No-D NMR and how it can be used to eliminate the need for deuterated solvents
  • Non Uniform Sampling (NUS)
  • Description of how NUS is used to greatly reduce the time needed for running NMR experiments
  • NMR Basics
  • Overview of the Basics of NMR Theory
  • NMR Magnet Destruction
  • See our presentation of the slicing open of a JEOL Delta-GSX 270 MHz NMR Magnet
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