Aroma Oil Analysis using GCxGC-HRTOFMS Performance Test for AccuTOF GCv 4G
The AccuTOF GCv 4G is JEOL's third generation high resolution GC-TOFMS. New, enhanced features of the system include:
1) Recording speed: up to 50 spectra/sec
2) Mass resolution: 8,000 or more (m/z 614, FWHM)
3) Mass accuracy: 1.5 mmu or 4 ppm
4) Mass range: m/z 4 to 5,000
Comprehensive 2D GC (GCxGC) is a chromatographic separations technique that uses 2 columns with different polarities arranged in a series. Featuring higher resolution than conventional capillary GC analysis, it is a powerful tool for the measurement of multiple components in a complex mixture. However, because there is a cryo-trap before the 2nd column, the resulting peaks in the chromatograms are extremely narrow. As a result, the system requires a detector capable of high speed data recording. The TOFMS is an ideal detector for the 2D GC system.
In this work, we analyzed aroma oil using a GCxGCHRTOFMS system, in which the AccuTOF GCv 4G was used with a Zoex GCxGC system to examine the spectrum recording speed and mass accuracy.
For the sample, a commercial product of tea tree oil, a type of aroma oil, was used without treatment. Table 1 shows the measurement conditions used for the analysis. GC Image (Zoex) was used for processing of the GCxGC data.