JEOL ROYAL HFX NMR Probe - A New NMR Probe for 1H, 19F & X NMR Experiments
The JEOL ROYAL HFX NMR probe is the world’s first liquid NMR probe switchable between single tune and dual tune mode on the High Frequency coil without compromising the NMR performance. The ROYAL HFX probe operating in single tune mode has the same sensitivity and pulse width performance as the standard ROYAL NMR probe.
Operating the HFX probe in dual tune mode allows for a wide variety 1H and 19F of advanced NMR experiments including 1H{19F}, 19F{1H}, 13C{1H,19F}, and many unique 13C{1H, 19F} correlation experiments to simplify spectral assignments of modern complex fluorine containing compounds for the pharmaceutical and polymer industries.