Electron Optic Documents

The holy grail of nanoscale analysis with EDS is to quickly analyze any features which can be imaged in the SEM. However, for nanoscale features this is complicated by that fact that X-ray spatial resolution is typically larger than SEM imaging resolution. Figure 1 shows EDS maps from an integrated circuit cross section at 15kV and 6kV using a W SEM and an FE SEM, as well as the approximate X-ray signal depths at those voltages.

Biological SEM comparisons and Materials SEM comparisons

CLEM is an acronym for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy. It is one of the most effective analysis methods that provides a synergetic effect by combining the capabilities of the Light Microscope (LM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in observing the same specimen.

The tabletop workflow solutions from JEOL allow researchers to setup a compact and user-friendly lab environment without compromising data integrity. This technology seamlessly guides the user from sample preparation to imaging, microanalysis and reporting.

The JSM-IT200LA SEM delivers the ultimate user experience for high through- put imaging and elemental analysis. An embedded color camera simplifies specimen navigation, advanced automation delivers crisp secondary and backscatter images in seconds, and Real-Time (Live) EDS provides instant feedback of the specimen composition for intuitive operation at any experi- ence level. This All-in-One SEM also includes high and low vacuum modes for observation of a wide range of specimen types without compromise. All of this is delivered at a great value.

Cryo-SEM imaging is a powerful tool in studying the structures of electron beam and vacuum sensitive materials. These materials include: fragile biological structures such as fungi, plants, cells, etc. as well as soft or volatile samples and even liquids. Cryo-SEM offers some clear advantages by rapidly freezing a sample prior to imaging, thus maintaining the sample as close as possible to its natural state. Long dehydration and chemical fixation steps can be avoided. Inhibiting dehydration helps maintain delicate structures without shrinkage. Moreover, volatile or even liquid samples are stabilized under the electron beam. Cryo fracturing techniques allow for study of the internal microstructure of these types of vulnerable materials as well.

“Visualize the truth” is a hope of researchers who use various measuring equipment. Researchers who use electron microscopes as well have a desire to observe the real structure. But actually, in experiments using electron microscopes, many problems arise: They include damage regions of the specimen when it is cut for the size suited to observation, artifacts due to the staining that is applied to enhance image contrast, deformation caused by substitution of water to resin for withstanding vacuum exposure, and thermal damage to the specimen with electron-beam irradiation. As a result, the visualization of the real structure in the microscope image becomes increasingly difficult. One recommended solution is to cool the specimen, that is, “Cryo” techniques. This “Cryo Note” introduces some of the diversified cryo-techniques. We sincerely hope your challenge to observe the “real structure” will be solved by “Cryo” methods.

Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) support the development of new LIB technologies with morphological observation at the micrometer to nanometer scale, as well as the chemical analysis needed to create high-performance coatings and powders. Ultra-low voltage imaging combined with signal filtering in the SEM allows direct imaging and analysis of battery constituents (anode and cathode) with nanometer resolution. Additionally, one of the important aspects of the analysis is the ability to probe chemistry of the constituents at nm scale (Fig. 1). JEOL FESEM offers the ability to perform microanalysis with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) at extremely low voltages to pinpoint localized makeup of the specimens and, in particular, low atomic number materials such as carbon and fluorine. Moreover, the unique JEOL Soft X-ray spectrometer (SXES) allows researchers to analyze Li.

In recent years with the advances in both EBSD and FE-SEM technology there have been renewed efforts at analyzing nanostructured materials at high temperatures using dedicated specimen holders and sub-stages. Although the techniques for EBSD analysis of bulk materials using heating stages have been well established [1], the requirements for nanostructured materials preparation and analysis obviously differs from bulk materials and can benefit from a miniaturized heater with smaller sample/higher temperature capacity capability [2].

Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a powerful technique capable of characterizing extremely fine grained microstructures in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Electron Backscatter Patterns (EBSPs) are generated near the sample surface, typically from a depth in the range 10 – 50nm. In order to achieve effective analysis it is imperative to combine high beam current with small probe size to achieve high spatial resolution in a time efficient manner.


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