Electron Optic Documents

The ability to increase the probe current for fast microanalysis, while still maintaining a small spot size and small volume of excitation for high resolution, has been the holy grail of microanalysis in SEM. One of the unique features of JEOL’s FE SEMs is the patented Aperture Angle Control Lens (ACL). This lens automatically optimizes for both high resolution imaging at low probe currents and high spatial resolution X-ray analysis at high probe currents with a seamless transition between the two. This is essential for rapid analysis and superb image quality and is particularly true for low kV microanalysis. The ACL works by considering effects of all aberrations (spherical, chromatic and diffraction limitations) on spot size and automatically optimizing the convergence angle.

JEOL’s Particle Analysis Software 3 (PA3) enhances the capability of your analytical SEM by automating the detection, EDS analysis and classification of particles, grains or other features in your samples. Fully integrated with our SEM-EDS systems, PA3 increases throughput and productivity by providing fast, unattended measurements across large areas of a sample, or multiple samples.

Phase Analysis provides a new level of automation to your JEOL EDS data analysis and interpretation workflows

The first commercially available SEM was introduced over 50 years ago and to this day there is still no internationally accepted standard for determining SEM resolution. To add to the confusion, each SEM manufacturer relies on their own sample and methods for determining resolution.

The first commercially available SEM was introduced over 50 years ago and to this day there is still no internationally accepted standard procedure for determining the resolution in an SEM image. To add to the confusion, each SEM manufacturer relies on their own sample and methods for determining resolution. Defining the edge of a particle manually is also always subjective in nature; values will differ from one person to the next based on how that person interprets or ‘sees’ the edge of a particle.

What makes the difference between a good SEM image and a stellar one? Imaging samples at the appropriate conditions, and that often means at very low accelerating voltage (low kV). It's time to give it a try! Every modern day scanning electron microscope (SEM) from the top of the line, ultra-high resolution field emission SEMs to the most economical entry level bench-top tungsten (W) thermionic SEMs have the capability of imaging samples at very low accelerating voltage (Low kV ). Low kV imaging has many benefits and this easily accessible function should not be overlooked.

STEM-in-SEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in an SEM) has become a popular technique for biologists, polymer scientists and materials scientists for its ease of use, cost effectiveness and high resolution. It is especially suited to investigating the internal structure of thin film (100-200nm) samples as well as size and shape of submicron to nanometer particles. With standard SEM imaging modes on bulk samples, there are limitations in the ultimate resolution that can be achieved due in part by the beam-sample interactions. With STEM-in-SEM, the sample is very thin and the interaction volume is small. Therefore, the resolution more closely approximates the diameter of the electron beam at the exit surface of the sample allowing for high resolution; using STEM with our state of the art FE SEMs, sub-nanometer resolution is easily achieved.

STEM-in-SEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in an SEM) has become a popular technique for biologists, polymer scientists and materials scientists for its ease of use, cost effectiveness and high resolution. It is especially suited to investigating the internal structure of thin film (100-200nm) samples as well as size and shape of submicron to nanometer particles. With standard SEM imaging modes on bulk samples, there are limitations in the ultimate resolution that can be achieved due in part by the beam-sample interactions. With STEM-in-SEM, the sample is very thin and the interaction volume is small. Therefore, the resolution more closely approximates the diameter of the electron beam at the exit surface of the sample allowing for high resolution; using STEM with our state of the art FE SEMs, sub-nanometer resolution is easily achieved.

Imaging of nanostructured materials requires a new design of SEM that provides ultimate resolution for both imaging and microanalysis, combined with the ability to image any type of material. An innovative new SEM column design from JEOL Ltd. utilizes a hybrid lens (combination electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses) in conjunction with a Through-The-Lens (TTL) detection system to provide the user with ultimate imaging and analytical performance. The hybrid electrostatic/electromagnetic lens minimizes magnetic field effects at the sample and is relatively impervious to stray magnetic fields. The lens is characterized by low values for the spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients. Moreover, the proven Aberration Correction Lens (ACL) technology automatically maintains small probe size for both imaging and microanalysis.

SEM offers a unique ability to visualize specimen surface morphology (via secondary electron imaging), as well as obtain crystallographic or Z-contrast information (via backscatter electron imaging) while at the same time performing chemical composition analysis via energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). In the past, this simultaneous acquisition was often hindered by deficiencies in detector and column design, that would not allow sufficient count rates or sufficient resolution for adequate analysis at various working distances.


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