Large Direct Access Chamber SEMs
JEOL’s large chamber SEMs are designed for easy access in both the Tungsten SEM and Thermal Schottky Field Emission SEM models. Our large, direct-access sample chambers are ideal suited for the labs that require:
- High-throughput and multi-sample imaging and analysis
- Multiple ports to fit a variety of accessories
- Analysis of large samples that cannot be cut to size

JEOL’s large chamber includes multiple ports and smart analytical port geometry, providing ample space for several accessories. It can accommodate multiple EDS detectors, co-planar EDS and EBSD, CL, Roland Circle or Parallel Beam WDS, STEM, feedthroughs for micro manipulators, EBIC, cold or heating stages, micro-CT and other accessories.
JEOL Large Chamber SEMs offer straightforward workflow solutions – from easy access to fast and effortless analysis and observation. The typical amount of time from specimen introduction to SEM observation can be as fast as 2.5 minutes or less. JEOL’s mechanically eucentric stage allows the user to maintain the specimen position and respectful field of view no matter what the working distance or tilt.

The stage is mounted inside the chamber, providing a robust platform to place large and heavy objects. There is no confusion on sample position. The area of interest can be positioned under the objective lens prior to closing the door and evacuating the chamber. Furthermore, all five axes of motor control are at your disposal.
Advantages of JEOL Large Chamber SEMs:
- Direct Access Stage for easy sample placement
- Tall, large and heavy samples can be examined. Taller samples can be offset from the side of stage
- Maintain all 5 axes motor control even with heavy samples
- No fragile stage modules or spacers to remove to accommodate bulky specimens
- Multi sample holders to accommodate 10s of samples for high throughput

Large Analytical Chamber SEM - Will my samples fit?
Large Analytical Chamber SEM - Rotation and Tilt