Three Dimensional Image Software
JEOL’s Three Dimensional Image Software is a program that takes stereo pair SEM images and constructs a three dimensional (3D) image of the sample surface. From this 3D image, height and contour maps can be created to provide cross sectional shape and height data.
The easiest approach to creating stereo pair images is to take two images of the same area but at different tilt angles. Images can be taken with any detector, at any magnification, with high or low accelerating voltage and even in low vacuum mode.
With this software, any offset to the stereo pair images can be corrected for automatically and an anaglyph image or 3D model of the surface created.

The 3D model of the surface can be displayed as an image view or contour map.
From the 3D model, a height profile can be calculated based on a user defined reference position on the image. The resulting height data from various locations along a cross section can be selected and output in table form.