What is Transmission Electron Microscopy?

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is a powerful imaging and analytical technique, enabling scientists to visualize the internal structure of materials at atomic resolutions. Instruments like JEOL’s Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) allow researchers to analyze composition, morphology, and structure at nanoscale levels. This whitepaper explores the principles behind TEM, its core components, and its diverse applications across research and industry. Our TEMs are pivotal in fields such as materials science, life sciences, and nanotechnology due to their capability to reveal internal features with unmatched clarity, surpassing other imaging methods.

Principle and Operation of Transmission Electron Microscopy

Transmission Electron Microscopy relies on the transmission of a high-energy electron beam through an ultra-thin sample (typically less than 100 nm thick) to produce high-resolution images. Electrons, due to their extremely short wavelengths, can resolve fine structural details that are inaccessible to light-based microscopy. Unlike Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), which provides surface imaging, TEM generates an in-depth view of the internal structure of the specimen. The transmitted and scattered electrons produce a detailed image that reveals both structural and compositional information at atomic levels.

How TEM Works

1. Electron Source and Beam Generation

TEM instruments use an electron gun to emit a coherent beam of electrons, typically via thermionic or field emission. Thermionic emission occurs when a heated tungsten filament or lanthanum hexaboride (LaB₆) rod releases electrons, whereas field emission uses a sharp tungsten tip to generate electrons under high electric fields. Our JEM-2100Plus utilizes a LaB6 source, while our cold-field emission gun (CFEG), found in models like the JEM-F200 and ARM series, generates high brightness and energy resolution, suitable for high-resolution imaging where low chromatic aberration is beneficial. Each electron source is optimized to match specific application needs, whether for life sciences or materials research.

This electron beam is accelerated to high energies (usually 80 to 300 keV), which allows the electrons to penetrate a thin sample.

2. Interaction with the Sample

The specimen used in TEM must be extremely thin—ideally less than 100 nm—to allow electrons to pass through without significant absorption. The interaction between the electron beam and the sample results in scattering, diffraction, and transmission of the electrons, producing contrast and structural information in the resulting image. Electrons that pass through the sample without scattering form the bright field image, whereas electrons scattered at specific angles can be used for dark field imaging.

Comparative Analysis with Other Microscopy Techniques

TEM provides significantly higher resolution than traditional light microscopy because the wavelength of accelerated electrons is many times shorter than visible light, governed by the de Broglie wavelength equation. JEOL’s GRAND ARM™2, for example, achieves resolutions under 60 pm, capturing atomic-scale details. Magnifications can reach up to 50 million times, making TEM one of the most powerful tools for studying atomic structures.

TEM offers unique advantages in imaging the internal structure of samples at atomic resolution, but other microscopy techniques have distinct features that make them suitable for different applications:

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Unlike TEM, which provides internal structural information, SEM scans the surface of a sample to produce 3D-like images, ideal for surface morphology studies.
  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): AFM offers nanometer resolution without requiring a vacuum or conductive coating. It can provide information on surface topology that complements TEM data.
  • X-ray Microscopy: X-ray microscopy enables imaging of thicker samples in their native state, which TEM cannot easily do due to sample thickness limitations. This comparison highlights when TEM is the preferred tool for atomic-level detail.

Components of a JEOL TEM

JEOL TEMs integrate a range of subsystems, from electron sources to lens systems, to provide versatile imaging solutions. Key components include:

  • Specimen Stage: The stage is optimized for precise positioning, with some models offering cryogenic capabilities, as in JEOL’s CRYO ARM™ Series. This is essential for imaging electron beam-sensitive biological specimens in their native state.
  • Imaging System: JEOL TEMs, like the JEM-F200, combine objective, intermediate, and projector lenses to magnify the sample image to atomic resolutions. These images can be viewed on a fluorescent screen, a CCD camera, or other detectors.
  • Vacuum System: Maintaining a high vacuum (typically below 10⁻⁵ Pa) prevents electron scattering, critical for clear image quality. JEOL systems use a combination of roughing pumps, turbomolecular pumps, and ion getter pumps to maintain stable vacuum levels essential for high-resolution imaging.

Challenges in Sample Preparation and Solutions

Sample preparation is often a complex and delicate process for TEM, particularly due to the requirement for ultrathin specimens. Specific challenges include:

  • Ion Beam Damage during FIB Milling: Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling can introduce damage to the sample surface, affecting the integrity of the observed features. Using low-dose FIB techniques and cryogenic FIB (cryo-FIB) can help mitigate damage.
  • Artifacts in Biological Samples: Staining biological samples with heavy metals like osmium tetroxide may introduce artifacts that obscure genuine structures. Cryo-preservation offers an alternative to staining, preserving samples in their native state with minimal chemical alteration.
Addressing these challenges through innovative sample preparation methods can make TEM more approachable and minimize potential sample damage or artifacts.
Interpreting TEM images accurately requires not only skill but also advanced post-processing techniques. Fourier transform filtering can be used to enhance image quality, helping to distinguish between real features and noise. Techniques such as contrast adjustment are also essential for bringing out subtle differences in electron density. Common artifacts, such as beam damage or astigmatism, can lead to misinterpretation if not properly accounted for. JEOL provides specialized training and software tools to assist users in effective image interpretation, ensuring reliable data.

Sample Preparation

The preparation of TEM samples is one of the most challenging aspects of the technique due to the need for ultrathin specimens. Methods include:
  • Ultramicrotomy: Used for biological samples and soft materials, where a diamond or glass knife cuts the sample into ultrathin slices (50-100 nm).
  • Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Milling: Common in materials science, FIB uses a gallium ion beam to thin specific regions of a sample. This method is precise but can introduce some ion beam damage.
  • Cryo-Preparation: Cryo-TEM is used for biological samples to preserve their native structure. The sample is vitrified by rapid freezing to avoid ice crystal formation, providing a snapshot of the sample in its natural state.
  • Staining with Heavy Metals: Biological samples are often stained with heavy metals such as osmium tetroxide or uranium acetate to enhance contrast, as organic materials have low electron density.

Types of TEM Imaging

  • Bright Field Imaging: The most common imaging mode, using unscattered electrons to create contrast between different regions of the sample.
  • Dark Field Imaging: Utilizes scattered electrons to form the image, which enhances contrast for specific features like crystalline defects or inclusions.
  • Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS): An advanced technique where energy losses experienced by electrons interacting with the sample are measured, providing detailed information on chemical composition, bonding, and electronic structure. EELS is particularly effective for analyzing light elements and understanding complex bonding states. For example, EELS can be used to study the oxidation states of transition metals in catalysts or to determine the presence of specific functional groups in polymers.
  • Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS): EDS allows for elemental analysis by detecting characteristic X-rays emitted from the sample. It is particularly useful in mapping the distribution of elements within a sample, which helps in the study of material composition, inclusions, and impurities. In combination with EELS, EDS provides a comprehensive analysis of both light and heavy elements within the sample.

Applications of JEOL TEM Systems

  • Materials Science: TEM is instrumental in studying microstructures, phase boundaries, dislocations, and other crystal defects. It provides insights into mechanical properties, thermal stability, and phase transformations, making it essential for materials development and failure analysis.
  • Life Sciences: In biological research, TEM is used to visualize organelles, viruses, and protein complexes at high resolution. JEOL’s CRYO ARM™ Series has revolutionized structural biology by allowing researchers to determine the 3D structures of biomolecules, providing capabilities for single-particle analysis and tomography with high throughput and precision.
  • Nanotechnology: Characterization of nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanowires, is a major application. TEM provides detailed information on size, shape, and structure, which is critical for understanding their physical and chemical properties.
  • Semiconductor Research: TEM is employed in the semiconductor industry to examine layer thicknesses, grain structures, and defects in microelectronic devices. It plays a crucial role in quality control and the development of new electronic materials.
  • Paleontology and Palynology: TEM helps in the study of fossilized organic material and spores, providing valuable insights into past environmental conditions and evolutionary biology.

Advantages and Limitations

Advantages: TEM offers extremely high resolution, allowing imaging at atomic scales. It provides both structural and compositional information through techniques such as Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). Its versatility makes it applicable across numerous scientific disciplines.
Limitations: TEM has several limitations, including the need for very thin samples, which often requires complex and time-consuming preparation. Additionally, the vacuum environment can be challenging for certain biological samples, and the high-energy electron beam can cause damage to sensitive materials. The equipment itself is expensive, and the operation requires highly skilled personnel.

Interested in TEM Imaging?

JEOL's Transmission Electron Microscopy systems are vital tools in modern science, offering unmatched capabilities for the visualization and analysis of materials at atomic levels. Despite its challenges, advances in sample preparation, imaging technologies, and analytical techniques continue to push the boundaries of what TEM can achieve. It remains at the forefront of research and development across materials science, nanotechnology, and biology, providing essential insights into the fundamental nature of materials and biological systems.
  • Field Operation Solutions: JEOL’s factory-certified engineers, averaging 20+ years of experience, ensure precision installation, maintenance, and repair services.
  • Dedicated Technical Support: A Service Support Group provides model-specific assistance, ensuring quick resolutions to any technical issues.
  • Service Level Agreements: Tailored service packages cover maintenance and repairs to maximize instrument longevity.
  • Comprehensive Training: Through hands-on courses, JEOL helps users fully leverage the potential of their TEMs.
For more in-depth information on Transmission Electron Microscopy, refer to our additional resources on materials science and structural biology. If you're keen to learn more about specific instrument suitability for your unique use case, contact a member of the JEOL USA team today.
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