JSM-IT510 Analytical SEM
InTouchScope™ SEM SeriesThe JSM-IT510 InTouchScope™ SEM Series delivers the highest level of intelligent technology with built-in automation for the most versatile analytical SEM available today.
Smart – Flexible – Powerful
Smart – The latest innovations with our InTouchScope™ series SEMs make them accessible at every level. JEOL’s Intelligent Technology delivers seamless navigation from optical to SEM imaging, Live EDS both spectrum and X-ray maps and the best auto functions from alignment to focus for fast, clear, and sharp images. We’ve taken it to the next level with Simple SEM, built-in automation for image collection at multiple locations and conditions. Simple SEM simplifies workflow for the most routine tasks. Our embedded Signal Depth display enhances understanding of analytical spatial resolution. All this technology packed into a compact platform for unprecedented ease-of-use.
Flexible – Choose a platform that is right for you. We offer high vacuum and low vacuum models with or without our Live (embedded) EDS system. [JSM-IT510, JSM-IT510A, JSM-IT510LV, JSM-IT510LA]. This SEM series is equipped with a large specimen chamber that accommodates a wide variety of detectors and accessories such as: EDS, WDS, EBSD, CL, STEM, heating/cooling substages etc.
Powerful – High resolution W filament source (LaB6 option) with unsurpassed low kV performance. The JSM-IT510 includes a large analytical chamber and stage. The stage is mounted inside the chamber enabling users to secure large, heavy and odd shaped objects on the stage with clear positioning prior to evacuating the chamber.
Zeromag, with our integrated color camera allows for intuitive navigation to the area of interest and seamless transition to SEM imaging and analysis. All data is linked for instant view of analysis locations. Our new high sensitivity quadrant BSE detector can provide a Live 3D surface reconstruction enhancing your view of specimens with complex topography such as a fracture surface, plating defect, etc. Analytical models include JEOL’s fully embedded EDS system for Real-Time, Live EDS spectra and Live X-ray maps.